Monday, February 25, 2008

Gardens have the power to delight all of the senses, sight, sound, touch, taste and smell, and that is something to keep in mind while planning for a new season. How will your garden engage not only the eyes, but the other senses as well?

As I plan my yard, I am focusing on fragrance. I moved last fall, and so this is a new yard to me. Many plants I have loved in other yards drew me by their smell rather than their appearance. I need those favorites around me, and hope to discover some new ones as well.

Some things to pay attention to:

  • Plant fragrant specimens where people will be spending time. This could mean along walkways, at the front entrance, or near the patio or deck. It's wonderful to walk along a path and be surprised by a fragrant flower. Look for plants that release their perfumes at night if that is when you use your patio or deck.
  • Plant out of the wind. You don't want all the scent carried away to where you won't enjoy it.
  • Think about blooming seasons. Use plants with different bloom times for season-long fragrance.
  • That scent that attracts you also attracts bees. Consider children's play areas when planting fragrant plants.
  • Don't forget about herbs. It's not just flowers that smell pretty. How about some herbs along a pathway,where leaves will release scent when bumped or rubbed. Herbs are perfect for container planting on a deck. Choose something lemony, floral, or minty that you can enjoy whenever you are outside. Just pick and crush a leaf or two, for a wonderful release of fragrance. I used to have a lemon balm that tried to take over my entire yard, but it had a rich citrusy floral fragrance that I can almost smell just writing about it.
Hmm, I may have to get another one of those.

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